Artists of Hawaii 2009

By Mara Hernandez-Capili

This year will mark the first installment of the biennial Artists of Hawaii 2009. A guest curator will be featured this year who is none other than Laura Hoptman, the senior curator for the New York Museum of Contemporary Art. The event is something that Hawaii residents all look forward to in attending because it will mark again the celebration of the locals' talents and unique taste of the Arts.

Contemporary Art depicts the art of the Modern times, it is often confused by Post modern because some claim that we actually live in the Post Modern era already and that any art that comes out during these times should be called as "Post Modern". To avoid confusion let me first give you the difference between Modern, Post modern and Contemporary Art as these are three subjects that are oftentimes misused.

Post modern art is described as the combination of the different Art Styles during the Modern era and these styles includes: Art Nouveau and Art Deco among many others. Post Modern style is always a mixture of two or more style era. Modern Art is described as Art that emerged after the renaissance Period or the Period of "rebirth". It is oftentimes categorized as the Art created during the 18th to early 19th century. Contemporary Art is used to describe the current trend of Styles during the ongoing era. The term contemporary does not come into existence until the half of 19th century (1950's) onwards.

Paintings are mostly on display on this exhibit. Expect young and talented artists churning out their fresh minds to create great pieces. Contemporary Hawaiian artists all gather at the Artists Guild to celebrate their talents by showing their creations to spectators and enthusiasts.

Come and visit the Artists of Hawaii 2009!

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