If You Are Looking For A Web Host You Need To Read This Now!

By Simon Bentley

There are a huge number of web hosting groups in the hosting industry today. Finding the right company for your needs can be a daunting prospect. This is even more true if you do not have a lot of experience in this area.

Most web masters or website owners look for a shared hosting account, where many people share space on the same server. If you just have one or a few sites without huge levels of traffic then this is likely to be more than adequate for your needs. Other types of account include VPS and a full dedicated server.

Most shared hosting accounts available today offer low monthly prices and usually unlimited storage space and bandwidth.

Once you have this straight in your mind there is no need to worry about your decision being swayed by 'great advertising' claims and you can start to pay attention to whats really important when it comes to your web host.

The aspect of a web hosting company that really separates the quality companies from those that should be avoided, is the quality of the support that they are able to offer as well as their the server speed and uptime.

Virtually all web hosting companies will advertise an uptime guarantee of 99.9%, however it's really crucial to go beyond this and read independent reports and reviews of the different web hosting companies. Then you can really compare and contrast to find the best hosting company for your needs.

The easiest way to go about this process is to go to a site that collects independent user feedback.

However, beware! Many of these 'web hosting' review sites are actually fake reviews written by people to promote the web hosting companies that offer the biggest commissions to people signing up through an affiliate link.

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