If You Want To Start A Coaching Business Use Articles To Market It

By Stephen Beck

When you start a coaching business you need clients and one way to get lots of them is to write articles around your area of specialty. As you create these articles, make sure you provide a link at the end to promote your business website. This is known as the resource box and this is the section that you promote yourself. If you are able you should make the link back to your website a hyperlink featuring a keyword or phrase for your business. As an example,

?John Smith is a certified life coach who has helped hundreds of clients maximize their potential. If you would like to schedule a 30 minute complementary personal coaching consultation, click here.?

(The term ?personal coaching? in this case would be displayed as a hyperlink because this term is likely what someone searching on the internet for coaching would look for in a search engine.)

After clicking on your website link, the next step is to get the prospect to become a potential coaching client. Most people that start a coaching business provide complementary consulting sessions to give the prospect a taste of what they have to offer. You can do the same and when they sign up for their session, you can also offer any products that you might sell to them.

After writing several articles you want to submit these articles to different ezine and article directories online. There is a key reason why you should do this. Other webmasters use articles to populate their own websites. The promotion of your link is the price they pay to post your article. Besides the traffic you get from that link, you also get a link to your website. Website links are one of the determining factors for search engine rank and position for the keywords and phrases in your market.

So here is an overview of this strategy in a nutshell. To start a coaching business you provide great article content and allow other website owners to use it. The only requirement is that they have to credit you as the author. This is where the resource box comes in, because it has your name as well as a link back to your website. As you continue to submit articles over the internet, you will have more and more links coming back to your website. For example, if one of your articles is used by 200 websites, that gives you 200 links that are going back to your website.

Keep in mind article marketing is one of the best strategies for you to use to generate potential clients for your business. It does this through exposure as well as through helping your search engine positioning. As a result, you should be able to attract new clients as you start a coaching business.

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