SEO will help your Business Grow!

By Gregg Pasternack

Did you ever wonder why some of your competition is on the first page of Google for your search terms, but you're nowhere to be found? SEO is the reason. Optimizing your website is very important to how well your website performs for you. For you to make money on the web, you need eyeballs staring at your website, credit card in hand. The way this happens is to be on the first page of the major search engine. Utilizing SEO will help get you there.

OK, so what are the steps for you to get on that first page of Google? The first step is picking the keywords that you want to show up for on Google, Yahoo, and MSN. You must find the keywords that are appropriate for your business. There are many ways to find this out, as you will learn which words or phrases are more competitive than others. Using this information, as well as your knowledge of your product and industry will help you figure out which keywords you should use.

Knowing how to use these keywords very important. It's like Goldilocks; using too many or too few can really hurt your campaign. If you don't use your keywords enough, Google will have no idea to link you to the search phrase important to you. If you use it too much, Google will catch on, think you're SPAM, and ban you from the search engines. So, you've got to use just enough. We recommend a keyword density of around 3%; that should work well for you!

There's a lot more to website SEO than just keywords. The other key to SEO gold is the links you get to your site. Both the number of links and the quality of those links will help determine where you will be in the search engines. Now, what is a link? A link is when another website has a clickable link that will lead to your website. Think of these links as a way to saying to Google "I have a friend on the web who likes me!" The better the friend is known, the better it is for you!

Now getting these high quality links is hard, but it will put money in your pocket in the long run! How do you get these links? You can utilize article marketing, that is, write short articles on your niche, and publish them all over the internet. You put as your signature your website, with it hyperlinked, and that now becomes an incoming link. This will help you rank on the search engines, and give your website some credibility within your industry!

The website SEO world is constantly changing, and becoming more competitive, too! I've given you a few tips to get you started. Website SEO is a constant headache, though; you have to be constantly working on it, and fine-tuning your efforts in order for it to work best. But, by starting with these tips, you're well on the way to a successful website and business!

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