Try Free Traffic System

By Ahmad Hassam

The best method to generate free traffic for your website is to get it ranked high on the SERP of major search engines, Google, Yahoo and MSN. How to go about it?

By building quality one way backlinks to your website, you can get your site ranked high on the major search engine like Google, Yahoo and MSN. There are many ways to build quality backlinks to your webpages.

There are link exchanges. Dont use them. Reciprocal links dont have much value with the search engines. Only one way back links count.

Some people try to use software that can bookmark their webpages on the social bookmarking sites like mixx, propeller, spurl, digg etc. These social bookmarking sites have high Page Rank (PR). So these links may have value with the search engines.

The only problem with these bookmarking backlinks is that it falls into the area of black hat SEO. Try to avoid it. Your site may get banned on Google and other search engines if they find your site getting many backlinks from the same bookmarking sites.

The best method is to write articles. Article marketing has been the consistent and time tested method used by SEO experts to build one way quality back links to your site.

When you write an article, you provide two or more backlink to your webpages from the resource box. The anchor text of that back link is very important in SEO.

Use keywords that have consistent and long lasting traffic as anchor text for building back links. Search engines use these keywords in the anchor text to judge the link popularity of your site for that keyword in ranking.

Another important SEO fact not known to many is that Google considers a domain ending with a forward slash and without a forward slash as two separate domains.

So decide from the very beginning, whether you want your domain to end with a forward slash or not. Than use that convention consistently in link building.

Try to avoid issues of duplicate content. Have you taken a look at the Free Traffic System? No, then you should. It is a free system that can help you a lot in getting quality back links to your site.

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